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Finance and Administration Specialized Training (FAST)

Where can I find the FAST courses? 

Finance and Administration Specialized Training (FAST) courses are completed in myUK Learning, the University’s learning management system (LMS). 

Click here to go to the library of FAST courses. 

How long do I have to complete the courses?

The  FAST Program Overview course and three courses in the Financial Foundations series are due within 60 days of assignment.

After completing these, the FAST Training Cycle curriculum will be assigned to your learning plan at the next compliance deadline, either June 30 or December 31. 

This on-going portion of the program requires completion of two unique courses every six months. Click here to view the overall program schedule. 

Do I have to take the Financial Foundations courses in a specific order? 

It is recommended to take the FAST Program Overview course first. The three courses in Financial Foundations can be completed in any order. 

Are Financial Foundations and FAST the same thing?

Yes, they are the same training program. Financial Foundations is the introductory series before being enrolled in the on-going program. Employees are required to stay enrolled in the on-going program while in a role with these fiscal responsibilities. 


Why don't I have any FAST courses assigned to me?

Training requirements for the on-going portion of the FAST program are assigned as a curriculum, rather than specific courses, in the myUK Learning Management System (LMS). Participants will see 'FAST Training Cycle #' on their learning plans.

Participants choose which courses they would like to complete from the FAST Library. At this time, courses cannot be repeated for credit toward compliance. 

You can search for courses and assign them to yourself using the steps below:

  1. View your Completed Work list, search FAST in the Title, and make note of the FAST courses you have previously completed.
  2. Access the FAST Course Library to view courses and assign them to your learning plan.
  3. Navigate to your Learning Assignments to complete the courses in myUK Learning

You can also view the list of courses and courses in development on the Courses Page of our website.

FAQs for Supervisors

What happens if a mandatory employee I supervise is not compliant?

As a supervisor at the University of Kentucky, it will be your responsibility to ensure mandatory participants have completed the Finance and Administration Specialized Training (FAST) program. 

Per the program guidelines, disciplinary actions for failure to take the training are as follows: 

Failing to complete the designated training by given deadlines will result in the following corrective action, using a “reasonableness standard” by supervisors: 

  • Step 1: First Non-compliance - Written Warning with “reasonable” timeframe to complete 
  • Step 2: Second Non-compliance beyond “reasonable” timeframe to complete – Probation 
  • Step 3: Third Non-compliance beyond “reasonable” timeframe to complete – Termination 

Please note: Some departments may have additional consequences depending on their own compliance requirements.

My employee won't be able to complete their courses by the compliance deadline due to extenuating circumstances (Family Medical leave, sabbatical etc.). What should I do?

If your employee is not able to complete their FAST courses by the compliance deadline due to extenuating circumstances, such as family leave, sabbatical or other long-term leave, please use this form to complete a FAST Program Extension Request. The FAST team will review the submission and contact you if further information is needed.

How do I request removal of my employee from the FAST program?

If your employee no longer performs the functions in the mandatory criteria for enrollment in FAST, submit this Removal Request form to request their removal from the program.