Click the lists below to view FAST courses and topics.
FAST Courses
Financial Foundations Introductory Courses
FAST Courses
Click on a course name to be re-directed to the web-based training in myUK Learning.
- Amazon Business
- Campus Payroll
- Cash Handling II: Operational Procedures
- Cash Handling III: Deposit Process
- Cost Distribution Entry Model (CDEM)
- Cybersecurity 101
- Discretionary Funds
- Employee Taxes
- Faculty Advancement: Appointments
- Financial Allocation Models (FAM) Basics
- Fiscal Year-End Close
- Fundamentals of Fraud Prevention II
- Grant Account Closeout
- How to Buy Part 1
- How to Buy Part 2
- HR Compensation: Job Classification
- HR Employee Benefits
- HR Employee Records and Unemployment
- HR Employee Relations and Leave Administration
- HR Personnel Action Requests (PAR) Processing
- Imprest Funds I
- Imprest Funds II
- Non-endowed and Endowed Gifts Basics
- Non-endowed and Endowed Gifts Advancement Fee Basics
- Operating Budget Part 1
- Principal Investigator (PI) Reports
- Procurement Basics
- SAP Vendor Master Data and Onboarding Concepts
- Sponsored Projects
- Surplus Property
- Travel
- UK HealthCare Payroll
Courses in Development
Chart of Accounts
Functional Areas
Introduction to COI
Lease Management
Legal Basics
Non-endowed and Endowed Gifts: Advancement Fee II
Process of Payroll Confirmations I and II
Service Centers and Recharge Operations I and II
Sponsored Projects Financial Management for the PI
Future Suggested Courses
- Additional and Recurring Payments in Payroll
- Assent Management
- Concur: Tips and Tricks
- Contract Management
- Federal Work Study Relationship
- Employee/Faculty Recruitment
- Essential Financial Management II
- Graduate TA Process
- Independent Contractor/Worker Status Evaluation Form
- Non-endowed and Endowed Gifts: Advancement Fee III (Journal Vouchers)
- Non-endowed and Endowed Gifts: Reporting and Reconciliation
- Pay Equity
- Payments to Research Subjects
- Payroll Confirmations (formerly eCRT)
- Philanthropy Topics
- Plant Funds
- Project GATeWAY
- Records Retention
- Separation of Duties
- Supplemental Software Applications
- Supplier Diversity
- Travel II
- UK HealthCare Accounts Payable
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